ARCHIVE 2006 - present
(THIS MAY TAKE A WHILE TO LOAD! We've been around for a long time!!!)
Click HERE for ARCHIVE 2003-2006

Margaret by Richard Douglas
Mon 24th - Wed 26th Sept, 2017 (Greater Manchester Fringe Festival)
Margaret is dying - that's a given - but she wants exactly how and when to be up to her. After a career spent helping others die with dignity she doesn't see why she can't be afforded the same courtesy.
A monologue exploring choice, control and getting your affairs in order.
Written by R.P. Douglas
Performed in Studio 1 @The Kings Arms Theatre as part of Greater Manchester Fringe Festival 2017
Produced by Agrippa Productions
Tickets available here.
News Story here

Avoidance by Mike Heath
Wed 31st May - Sat 3rd June, 2017
Tom has been dead for 15 years. At least, that’s what his sister, Michelle, thinks. Their mother has since passed away, leaving her with husband, Damian, trapped in a house haunted by memories. Damian is desperate for them to move to make a fresh start. When Tom appears on the doorstep, hope rears its head for Michelle and presents an opportunity for Damian. But why did Tom disappear, and what has he come home to tell her?
A tale of truth and hope, when all hope has been jettisoned.
The new play by Mike Heath
Produced by Agrippa Productions
£10/£8 concs
The Kings Arms Theatre, 11 Bloom St, Salford M3 6AN.
Tickets available here.

Marina and the Clone by RP Douglas
Wed 15th - Sat 18th March, 2017
"It's London, 1987 and as the great storm rages outside another hurricane is being born at Dr Barnabus's laboratory. Meet Marina Oliveto, a woman desperate to stay in the limelight and willing to go to any lengths to do so.
Frankenstein meets Dynasty in a new comedy from RP Douglas writer of the outrageous Barbara the Zoo Keeper."
£10.00 (£8.00 concessions)
Produced by Agrippa Productions in conjunction with WriteForTheStage Productions
£10 / £8 concs.

Studio Salford Development Week 9
Mon 20th - Sat 26th Feb, 2017
Studio Salford Development Week is a twice-annual week of new work getting its first airing from new writers presenting their first ever piece of stage-writing to established playwrights trying out their new work before it goes into production. Expect rehearsed readings, script-in-hand performances, workshops teaching and sharing skills, networking opportunities and the sharing of all the work from this term's Studio Salford WriteForTheStage courses.
And this time we're bringing Embryo, our eclectic cabaret of all things new, back from the dead.
Most events are FREE.
Full timetable tbc by end January. Go to for more details.

Studio Salford Development Week 8
Mon 26th Sept - Sun 2nd Oct 2017
Studio Salford Development Week 8
Mon 26th Sept - Sun 2nd Oct. Various times.
Studio Salford Development Week is a bi-annual week of new work getting its first airing from new writers presenting their first ever piece of stage-writing to established playwrights trying out their new work before it goes into production. Expect rehearsed readings, script-in-hand performances, workshops teaching and sharing skills, networking opportunities and the sharing of all the work from this term's Studio Salford WriteForTheStage courses.
And this time we're bringing Embryo, our eclectic cabaret of all things new, back from the dead.
Most events are FREE.
Click here for the full timetable of events.

The Big Things by Mike Heath (rehearsed reading)
Saturday 23rd - Sunday 24th July, 6pm. Kings Arms Theatre
There's a change of billing from the previously advertised 10th anniversary production of The Rise and Demise of Kenneth Kennedy-Smythe. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we've had to postpone that production - keep an ear out for it in September.
The Big Things is Mike Heath's 14th stageplay and was shortlisted for the BBC Alfred Bradley Bursary Award 2016. This rehearsed reading will be sharing the latest draft of the script after the development at the BBC, in preparation for full production and touring in 2017.
Grace is different. That’s why Malcolm loves her. But when she decides that they should have a baby, the differences grow and the tensions threaten to tear them apart. A tragi-comic play about love, delusion and parenthood.
Starring Laura Lindsay and Pete Carruthers.

WriteForTheStage writer's taster session
Saturday 16th July, 4.30pm. Kings Arms, Snug. FREE
Studio Salford WriteForTheStage course have helped over 50 new writers get their work out of their heads, onto the page and onto the stage over the last 4 years.
Come and try out the process for yourself. We'll mine the imagination for themes and characters

WriteForTheStage Producing workshop
Saturday 16th July, 3pm - Kings Arms, Snug - FREE
Become a producer for the fringe. Learn about the team, the marketing, the budget and getting known.
Taster session for WriteForTheStage Producing level.

Runaway by Richard Stringer
Sunday 3rd July - Tuesday 5th July, 7.30pm,
Tom and Anna are on the road to a bright future, but when Tom’s child-hood friend, Jordan, forces him into a compromising situation, the past threatens to destroy Tom and Anna’s future together. Put to the test, Tom and Anna have no choice but to flee. Broke and homeless, can they trust and work together now that all they have is each other?
Tickets £7/£5 concs
Supported by Arts Council England
Developed through Studio Salford WriteForTheStage courses

WriteForTheStage Publishing Launch
Saturday, 2nd July, 4- 5pm - Kings Arms, Snug
Come and help us celebrate the official launch of WriteForTheStage Publishing. Set up to showcase the great work that gets produced and developed through the WriteForTheStage courses.
Hear some readings, buy a book and get it signed by the author.
WriteForTheStage is supported by Arts Council England.

Studio Salford Development Week 6
Mon 28th Sept - Sun 4th Oct
Studio Salford Development Week is a great week of all things new. Expect script-in-hand performances, rehearsed readings, workshops and networking events - all brand new work-in-development by the most exciting emerging artists that Gtr Manchester can offer.
Including the Studio Salford WriteForTheStage showcases.
Click here for full timetable.
Most events are free.
Pay What You Think at the end of the performance.

Mon 18th - Sun 24th May
Presented by Mediamedea, in conjunction with Write4TheStage Productions.
Mon 18th - Sun 24th May, 2015 - 7.30pm
Abe is training to be a Catholic priest, but some of what he is told to preach doesn't sit comfortably, especially the stuff about sex and love. The night before his ordination, he goes out to find out who he is, what he wants and whether he should complete his training. Picked up as a rave-pet by Gaby and Adam, tonight's events will change everything forever.
Should they save God from the church?

Studio Salford Development Week 5
wc 23rd Feb, various times
Studio Salford Development Week is a great week of all things new. Expect script-in-hand performances, rehearsed readings, workshops and networking events - all brand new work-in-development by the most exciting emerging artists that Gtr Manchester can offer. Including the Studio Salford WriteForTheStage showcases.
Click here for the full timetable and to reserve.
Most events are free. Pay What You Think at the end of the performance.

7 VEILS - an evening with Mata Hari by Abi Hynes
Thurs 20th - Sun 23rd Nov, 2014
A new play by Faro Productions
Performed by Laura Danielle Sharp
Faro Productions invite you to spend an evening with notorious dancer turned double agent, Mata Hari, in this brand new solo show. Forget what you think you know about her. By the end, you might feel differently…
‘There is something which I wish you to take into consideration. It is that Mata Hari and Madame Zelle MacLeod are two completely different women…’
Lady Margaretha Zelle MacLeod, better known as Mata Hari, the famous exotic dancer, was executed as a spy by a French firing squad on 15 October 1917.
It’s a good story. But it isn’t the one she wants to tell you.
‘History is the opposite of remembering. We tell each other stories so that we don’t have to remember.’

Studio Salford Development Week 4
w/c Mon 15th Sept, 2014
Presented by WriteForTheStage Productions and Studio SalfordStudio Salford Development Week is back with more great new work that is yet to be tried and tested. Development Week is all about getting brand new, previously unseen work in front of an audience, who provide feedback to contribute to the development of the piece of work. It's also the home of the Studio Salford Write For The Stage course showcases.
If you have a piece that you writtenand it has been laying dormant on your hard-drive ever since, this is your chance to get it up on its feet.
Previous pieces featured in Development Week programmes have gone on to full productions, runs and tours.
So, for a great week of rehearsed readings, workshops and open rehearsals, don't miss out. Most events are free (donations gladly accepted at the end of the night!).
For more information about the timetable, go to

Mon 5th & Tues 6th May @7.30pm
Presented by Faro Productions
Two nights of new writing, with a cabaret twist…First Draft, Faro Productions and Studio Salford join forces to present two evenings of new work from writers and performers of all shapes and sizes.
From solo shows that began life at First Draft, to previews of new plays, we’re showcasing some of the best new writing we’ve seen in Manchester at its next stage of development. With a few surprises thrown in for good measure.
To find out more about First Draft and our regular cabaret nights, visit our blog:

Wed 7th - Fri 9th May @7.30pm & Sat 10th May @1pm
Presented by WriteForTheStage Productions
Barbara McDougal always dreamed of being a zoo keeper and now she is one. The trouble is, the animals keep meeting untimely ends and well-meaning Barbara is nearly always inadvertantly responsible.
Meet Barbara, Judith and Fleetwood when they hit the stage for the first time this May and find out all about the Giant Panda Plan, who has custody of Filthy Allen and what exactly happened to Racist Julie…?
Barbara The Zoo Keeper is the first production from Write4TheStage Productions - the production wing of Studio Salford Write For The Stage courses. This piece has been developed through the Intro and Advanced courses.
Duration: 60 minutes
Tickets: £8.00 (£6.00 concs) buy tickets

Embryo 83
Fri 4th Apr, 2014
The start of something new...Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

Studio Salford Development Week 3
Tues 18th - Sun 23rd Feb, 2014
Studio Salford Development Week is all about trying out new work in a safe environment. It hosts the Studio Salford Write For The Stage (WFTS) showcases and is open for anyone to try out a script or a show of up to 60mins. The audience give feedback which is given directly to the writers.
Development Week 3 included
Pass by Naomi Sumner (WFTS)
Didn't I See You Running Naked by Adam Boyle
Work In Progress by Rebekah Harrison
Bleeding With Mother by Sarah Cassidy (WFTS)
The Call of Nature by Mike Heath
Troubled Times by Luke Helly (WFTS)
FREE WFTS workshop
Work in Progress by Jayne Marshall
Cat & Mouse by Aisling Cafrey

Embryo 82
Fri 28th Feb, 2014
EMBRYO 82 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

Embryo 81
Fri 29th Nov, 2013
EMBRYO 81 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

Wed 23rd - Sun 27th Oct, 2013
Presented by Mediamedea.
Claire hasn't left the flat for 3 months after husband, Pierre, unceremoniously left her. Jimmy has an idea that he thinks will bring her back to the life of the living. But Andy (Jimmy's boyfriend) has other ideas about what might cheer her up. A dramatic comedy about artificial insemination, infidelity and living forever.
PERFORMED BY Tracy Gabbitas, Nick Pearse, Haydn Holden

Week of Various
Mon 3rd - Sun 9th Jun, 2013
Mon 3rd and Wed 5th June - Digging Deep by Gemma Flannery
Thurs 6th June - Organised Chaos presents Broken
Sun 9th June - The Dragon Who Hates Poetry by Dominic Berry

Embryo 80
Fri 24th May, 2013
The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

Studio Salford Development Week 2
Sun 12th - Sun 19th May, 2013
Studio Salford Development Week is all about trying out new work in a safe environment. It hosts the Studio Salford Write For The Stage (WFTS) showcases and is open for anyone to try out a script or a show of up to 60mins. The audience give feedback which is given directly to the writers.
Development Week 2 included
Studio Salford Write For The Stage (WFTS) Introductory Showcase
I’m On My Way by Shirley Diver
Open rehearsal - Being Simone, by Rachel Thain-Gray, directed by Jyothi Kuna How To Be A Proper Person by Jackie Hagan (WFTS)
Barbara The Zoo Keeper by Richard Douglas (WFTS)
Me. Old Man by Dan Atkinson
Cold Cuts by Vanesa Baggot (WFTS)
Trapped by Ben Spencer (WFTS)
Troll by Mick Cooper
Rehearsed reading / live improv - Cowboys by Mike Heath (FREE)
All Tomorrow's Parties by Mike Heath

JUDAS WAS A GINGER by Ryan Cerenko
Mon 29th Apr - Sat 4th May, 2013
Presented by Basilisk Theatre.
"I didn't deserve this. I gave to charity, I recycled my bottles, I used bags-for-life". A dark comedy set in a travel agents, Judas Was A Ginger explores the pressures on man in this modern era. An era where not much exploring is happening. Our protagonist wants to end it all - it just so happens so does his work colleague on the same night in the same office. Trying to be Mr Perfect in today's world can lead to some serious delusions about life, can they realise this before one of them leaves it for good? Shortlisted by North West Playwrights as part of their Script In Hand 2012 event, Judas Was A Ginger brings a sense of the surreal to Studio Salford in April/May. See the interview with the cast on YouTube. "Darkly Humorous" - North West Playwrights VISITING COMPANY

Embryo 77
Fri 5th Apr 2013
The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

SPARKS by Brian Marchbank
Mon25th - Sun 31st March 2013
Presented by Poppabear.
When ex-fraudster Jack enters their lives, Rita and Roy turn to him to resolve their relationship crisis. But Jack is no marriage guidance councillor, and his services are far darker, than words of advice.
Marchbank's work has appeared at various venues, including, Bolton Octagon , Oldham Coliseum, and Southwark Playhouse. Pawn and Flag featured at Manchester's 247 Festival. A two act black comedy. "A play which is genuinely funny" - What's on Stage (for Flag) "Flag is shocking for all the right reasons, and an excellent piece of theatre" - Public Reviews (for Flag) "Well worth seeing, A Steamy Affair is a fantastic first outing from Poppabear" - The Fiction Stroker (for A Steamy Affair) "A Steamy Affair achieves a rare balance of being graphic but not coarse and realistic but not grim. But it's funny... very funny" - What's on Stage (for A Steamy Affair) IN-HOUSE COMPANY

AN UNQUIET MIND by David Patterson
Mon 4th - Thurs 7th March 2013
Presented by Wotlarx Enterprises.
Looking at the predicament of one poor unfortunate this play is wide ranging in its referencing of a number of potent issues. Among them, parental and institutional abuse - both physical and psychological: exploitation of the disadvantaged; homelessness and rootlessness; public apathy towards the treatment of the mentally ill, the often uncaring treatment of ex service personnel and the right of the individual to decide to live or die. "I came a way knowing that although this was a play and the actors can go home to their families and homes, there are far too many people who that isn’t possible for. A sobering thought and one that the play highlights incredibly well" - Maggie Collins writing for PERFORMED BY Paul Codman, Michael Chapman PREMIERE / VISITING COMPANY

WRONG (The Musical)
Sun 17th Feb 2013
Presented by Cszuk Productions.
Wrong: We take some of the best musical numbers in history... change the lyrics and make it all WRONG! Songs from The Sound Of Music, Annie, The Little Mermaid, Jesus Chris Superstar, Cats, Mary Poppins, Oklahoma... and many more. For over 18's only, contains explicit language. PERFORMED BY The Company VISITING COMPANY

CAT & MOUSE by Shirley Diver & Raymond Frances Savage
Sat 16th Feb 2013
Aaron and Chelsey are a young couple in today's 'modern vibrant society'. All they want is a nice semi with a block paved driveway and a holiday to Magaluf once a year. But David Cameron has other ideas. Will their quest to rise above their station in life bring them happiness or will it be their demise? Cat and Mouse is a satire written by Shirley Diver and Raymond Savage and is a tale of corporate greed and corruption but above all it asks the question - in the game of cat and mouse in today's world, can we ever really win?VISITING COMPANY

Embryo 76
Fri 15th Feb, 2013
The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

Mon 11th - Thurs 14th Feb, 2013
Presented by Cszuk and Lass O'Gowrie Productions.
Studio Salford presents The Good Life, the popular sitcom (and now Stage Play) which returns to the stage this February (with kind permission from Bob Larbey). Delighting audiences at its World Premiere this November and December at the Lass O'Gowrie, it's back in a bigger venue with new staging. 3 Episodes from the classic series, including the Christmas Episode! With great thanks to Bob Larbey for his kind permission to stage this, and to Gareth Kavanagh and the Lass O'Gowrie. "Whose Fleas Are These?", "The Last Posh Frock" and The Xmas Special (Silly, But It's Fun). "This was a classic example of a canny script (matched with expert comic timing) eliciting tears and laughter in equal measure." - Brian Gorman, Public Reviews "This adaptation of The Good Life is not only excellent value for your money, but a hark back to more innocent times with some genuinely funny writing from Esmonde and Larbey, solid laughs and an accomplished cast." - The Fiction Stroker DIRECTOR: Brainne Edge. VISITING COMPANY
Studio Salford Write For The Stage Showcase 1
Tues 11th Dec, 2012
Over the last 10 weeks, the Studio Salford writers' course members have been mining their imaginations and getting their thoughts on the page, with support from tutors Mike Heath and Cathy Crabb. Come and sample the delights of their hard work. Expect to see comedy and drama from first-time writers. Get taken to the zoo, to a man crèche, into murderous living rooms, into unruly offices, to the airport, into the garden and into a nursing home for a journey of an evening that guarantees to entertain.

Embryo 75
Fri 7th Dec, 2012
The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

JORDAN By Anna Reynolds with Moira Buffini
Mon 5th - Sat 10th Nov, 2012
Presented by Stickleback Theatre Company.
Jordan, a strong and evocative piece of writing from two of the UK's most exciting playwrights. A modern day Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale, it tells of a mother driven to the ultimate act to avoid having her child taken away from her. Sian Walker delivers a powerful and captivating performance unfolding the tragedy of Shirley Jones and her baby Jordan as they await the decision of the Court - prison or freedom. This true story of a woman marginalised by society and brutalised by the father of her child is unlikely to leave you unmoved. Read the Messenger review. "'Stickleback Theatre's production of 'Jordan' is an intense, powerful, thought-provoking piece of theatre. Sian Walker's performance is a memorable tour de force. Riveting'" - Robert Meadows (Guild of Drama Adjudicators) "Jordan has to be one of the most riveting and heart-wrenching theatre I have ever watched. Sian Walker is an astonishingly consummate actress; her every movement and gesture so intense, so real, and so moving. A searingly intense experience; it should be taken into every women's' prison, though it would probably cause riots, and watched by every group working with women experiencing violence." - Janet Ollier (Cheshire Rural Touring) "The most moving piece of theatre I have ever seen. The standing ovation by the audience was testament to the acting and drama we experienced." - Ed Green, (Tin Shed Theatre) "The first piece of theatre in 28 years to make me cry. One woman show 'Jordan' by Moira Buffini and Anna Reynolds, performed by Sian Walker and directed by Gordon Hamlin in the teeny local Harlequin Theatre. Moving, affecting and masterful work. Bravo!" - Jenn Greer (Actor) DIRECTOR: Gordon Hamlin. PERFORMED BY Sian Walker VISITING COMPANY

Studio Salford Development Week 1
Mon 22nd - Sun 28th Oct, 2012
A week of rehearsed readings, workshops, stand-up comedy, sketch shows and a comedy tournament. Expect script in hand performances. Give feedback. Be part of development...
Development Week 1 included
Producers workshop - learn about getting a production up on its feet
Sparks by Brian Marchbank
Cracking The Feathers by Ian Winterton
Funeral For A Frenemy by John Mulholland
Digging Deep by Gemma Flannery
We Took That and Partied by Rebecca Harrison
All Tomorrow’s Parties by Mike Heath
Thinking Out Loud - sketch show by Rebecca Harrison
Art Attack - comedy troupe by Tom Short
ComedySportz - comedy improvisation tournament

Embryo 74
Fri 19th Oct '12
EMBRYO 74 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

A STEAMY AFFAIR By Brian Marchbank.
Mon 8th - Sun 14th Oct, 2012
Presented by Poppabear Productions.
Rob and Carol, made home movies of their private, and intimate moments. The compilation was on a disc, kept in a case on trains, "A Steamy Affair". After Rob's death, it was decided to downsize. Due to Carol's hospitalization, this fell to her niece Kate. Unbeknown to her she disposed of twenty years of Carol's love life at a car boot sale. Three months later, a good looking young man knocks on her door holding the disc in his hand. "Genuinely funny - 4 stars" - What's On Stage (for Flag) "Shocking for all the right reasons, and an excellent piece of theatre - 4 stars" - The Public Reviews (for Flag) IN-HOUSE COMPANY / NEW WRITING / PREMIERE

DOPPEL DIETRICH By Patricia Hartshorne.
Mon 24th - Sun 30th Sep, 2012
Presented by Gloves Off Productions.
Glamour, sex - and a penchant for men's clothing... Award-winning performer Patricia Hartshorne doubles as Marlene Dietrich in this one-woman cabaret - a sideways look at the life, loves and songs of that legend of the twentieth century. From bi-sexual cross-dresser to Hollywood icon, from wartime entertainer to international cabaret star, from outrageous self-publicist to uncompromising recluse. Are you up for some doppel strength Dietrich? The woman who answered to nobody - not even Adolf Hitler! "gets under the skin of Marlene Dietrich" - The Stage "top-notch production hits all the right spots … wickedly good theatre" - GCN Dublin "Hartshorne’s impressions are eerily accurate" - Times Ed "brings Marlene’s stage presence to life with some beautifully performed songs" - Edinburgh Guide DIRECTOR: Patricia Hartshorne. PERFORMED BY Patricia Hartshorne VISITING COMPANY / PREMIERE

CAKE, ANOTHER SLICE... by Mike Heath
Mon 10th - Sun 16th Sep, 2012
Presented by Mediamedia.
After a Summer of Love, Dave’s wedding day has arrived. Julian is the Best Man and must make sure that nothing goes wrong and everyone gets to the church on time. Val is determined to upstage everyone with her dress and her continual demands on Linda are wearing decidedly thin. Jim just doesn’t want to be there. Cake – Another Slice is a comedy about weddings, psychedelics and finally saying what you need to. Episode 1 of Cake was performed at 24:7 Theatre Festival 2006, from the award winning writer, Mike Heath. "a very enjoyable and funny 45 minutes" - Kevin Bourke, 24:7 Theatre Festival (for Cake) "a delightful and extremely funny comedy" - Richard Hall, The Public Reviews (for Plus One…?) DIRECTOR: Mike Heath. PERFORMED BY Jeni Howarth-Williams, Denice Hope, Darren Scott, others tbc IN-HOUSE COMPANY / NEW WRITING / PREMIERE

Embryo 73
Fri 14th Sep, 2012
The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

Embryo 72
Fri 15th Jun '12
The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

Wed 6th Jun - Sat 9th Jun, 2012
Presented by Mediamedea.
When co-workers, Ange, Elaine, Kev and James get stuck at the airport waiting for a connecting flight, things get weirder by the minute. An unexpected visit from a fifth party offers one of them the privilege of instigating the end of days. Only they don't realise it.... A surreal comedy about whispers, secret societies and Heat magazine.IN-HOUSE COMPANY

DEV'S ARMY By Stuart D. Lee
Wed 30th May - Sat 2nd Jun, 2012
Presented by Elysion Productions.
A rich, dark comedy in the grand Irish tradition - instantly recognisable characters and oozing charm. This play peeks into the classic subtleties of Irish allegiances through local defence volunteers and 'a body on the beach' - nothing is as black and white as we think when it's coloured green! The play won the Forever Manchester Award at the Not Part Of Festival and the Best New Writing Award at the Buxton Fringe Festival where it was also nominated for Best Production and Richard Sails was nominated for Best Actor. "This play is absolutely, utterly amazing and you really don't have to know your stuff to be lured into its intense charm. If you don't think this is for you, you're wrong. FIVE STARS" - Nikki Beaumont, Large Manchester "It’s a breathtaking debut from Elysion Productions, who I’m sure are destined to take this play further; don’t miss the chance to see it in this wonderfully intimate venue. FIVE STARS" - Richard Stamp - Fringe Guru "Dev’s Army is a classy example of how a one-act, four-hander play, lasting just 60 minutes, can hold an audience in the palm of its small-scale hand. Imagine Dad’s Army on a sortie into Father Ted territory." - Dave Upton - Manchester Theatre Awards DIRECTOR: James Foster. PERFORMED BY Wayne Allsop, Matt Lanigan, Daniel McClelland, Richard Sails VISTING COMPANY / NEW WRITING

Wed 16th - Sat 19th May, 2012
Presented by House of Orphans / Unholy Mess.
Set in a small south Yorkshire town in the 1960’s against the backdrop of the women’s liberation movement, the drama unfolds through the interwoven narratives of Lynette, Jodie and Ruby. The private confidences of these three young women illustrate their experiences as victims of the bullying and abusive Royce and combine to create a powerful image of quiet trauma. CAN’T STAND UP FOR FALLING DOWN gives a voice to women who feel forced into silence by fear. Directed and performed by all-female creatives, this is an insightful and sensitive production of a deeply affecting play, highlighting and exploring the oppression of women. "The pace was beautiful throughout, and technical constraints did not detract from the professionalism, the sensitivity, and the impossibly comic rigour of The Unholy Mess's Endgame." - Dr Daniela Caseli "slickly directed, brilliantly performed, funny in parts, dramatic in others... the audience loved it (The Retreat)" - Mike Heath "edgy and intriguing…a strong cast and a disturbing story sewn together tightly by the direction (The Retreat)" - Cathy Crabb DIRECTOR: Lucy Allan. PERFORMED BY Esther Dix, Lucia Cox, Edwina Lea IN-HOUSE COMPANY

SCROATS FROM THE UNDERGROUND (DOUBLE BILL) By Cathy Crabb (The Bubbler) / Robert Sproat (Stunning the Punters).
Wed 18th - Sat 21st Apr '12
Presented by Eat Theatre.
An embittered ex bank worker, reduced to working at Cash Generator, rails at life and the cruelty of his fall from grace. But in his anger there is also scheming, and one day he will reclaim what he feels has been taken from him. An ex skinhead recalls an orgy of graffiti carried out with his mates, and the reaction to their moment of brutal obtrusiveness. Two plays voicing the anger, impotence and visceral presence of the 'underclass'. A reminder that the veneer of our civilisation is very thin indeed. "’a potent reminder that true storytelling power lies in writing...delivered an object lesson in the magic of the theatre." - Steve Balshaw, Filmonik "Crabb has proved her skill in capturing the complexities of human bonds" - DIRECTOR: Phil Dennison. PERFORMED BY Neil Bell and Dan Street-Brown (The Bubbler) / Gerard Thompson (Stunning the Punters) VISTING COMPANY / NEW WRITING

Embryo 71
Fri 13th Apr '12
The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

SINFUL By Carly Tarett.
Wed 4th - Sat 7th Apr '12
Presented by eye of the storm productions.
From the exasperated instructor of a doughnut-gobbling fitness group, to the elderly Welsh classroom assistant with an unusual take on education ... 7 offbeat comedy shorts based on the 7 deadly sins. Written and performed by Carly Tarett, regular player for Comedysportz Manchester improv troupe. Explicit language: over 18s only See the article in the Oldham News. "very funny ... skilled writing and versatile delivery ... all-round excellent show .... a writer and performer to watch out for" - UKTheatre Net PERFORMED BY Carly Tarett VISTING COMPANY / NEW WRITING

Wed 14th - Sat 17th Mar, 2012
Presented by House of Orphans.
Alone in a room of scattered pomegranates, a grandfather clock and a dress up box, the 'Blackbird' shares the secrets of her past, her obsession with movie trivia and the disturbing reason she's in love with the man upstairs. Blackbird is the story of a kidnapped woman, held captive in the basement of her kidnapper's home and the knock-on effects of the isolation with only her imagination and infrequent visits by the kidnapper as comfort. Award Winning: Large Manchester 2011, Re:Play Festival Selection 2012 Award Nominated: Manchester Theatre Awards 2012 "FIVE STARS" - Large Manchester "FOUR STARS" - What’s On Stage "FOUR STARS" - The Public Reviews "‘I thought the writing had flair and was very rich. I loved the energy of the performance, and the displayed range from feisty right through to fragile" - Porl Cooper, Producer, The Lowry DIRECTOR: James Foster. PERFORMED BY Lucia Cox IN-HOUSE COMPANY

THE MEN POMES by Gerry Potter
Wed 29th Feb - Sat 3rd Mar, 2012
Presented by Gerry Potter. Creator of Chloe Poems and writer of smash hit play 'Miracle', Gerry Potter brings his brand new one man show to his favourite theatre, Studio Salford. The sell-out success of 2011's Manchester Literature Festival at Contact Theatre lands happily and haphazardly in its spiritual home. In this full length one man show, Potter delves into all things male, exploring camaraderie of brothers, abandonment of fathers and the wit and wisdom of Scousers. From the drug induced surreal to the gutter-sparkle dirty real, 'The Men Pomes' shivers with testosterone and tears. Comedy and tragedy fight naked in front of a roaring fire for domination. Sweaty, interlocked and involved, 'The Men Pomes' unearths working-class men as you've never seen them before. The man who lived as Chloe Poems for fifteen years finally comes to terms with his masculinity and the men who buttered and battered it into shape. For men and women of all ages, stages and rages. Read an interview with Gerry at Write Out Loud, and the feature in City Life. Gerry says: "In the Scotland Road area of Liverpool men didn't say poems they said 'pomes'. Women said poems. Scotland Road women have no problem with the word poem or poems. I think scouse men think the word poem or poems might make them sound as effeminate as a bohemian crafts teacher. So they butched it up, give it a more bedraggled bullied tone. I like them both. I like the rugged ragged industry of 'pomes' and the malleable creative history of poems. Pomes and poems. Somewhere in the middle of those two words is the gender of how and why I write. I remember one bloke saying 'Don't like that many pomes but that pome by Blake y'know the burnin' tiger one...thats fuckin' boss.'" 'The Men Pomes'... because men don't say poems.

Embryo 70
Fri 17th Feb, 2012
EMBRYO 70 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

Embryo 69
Fri 9th Dec, 2011
EMBRYO 69 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

SPARKLE By Sally Lawton.
Wed 30th - Sat 3rd Dec, 2011
Presented by TSL Productions.
From the writer who brought you JUMBLE and THE MOLE, THE GEEK & THE BUS SHELTER, SPARKLE is a new comedy by Sally Lawton. It's Panto time and Darcy Sparkle is back to save the show... hopefully. A Camp, Christmas Comedy taking you behind the scenes in to the world of Panto - where the Prince is gay, the Dwarves have quit and the audience... well, they're at another theatre. DIRECTOR: Mike Heath. IN-HOUSE COMPANY

FLAG By Brian Marchbank
Wed 2nd - Sat 5th Nov, 2011
Presented by Poppabear.
Comedy is no laughing matter. A young successful comedy writer approaches a washed up club comedian, to produce an act for the comedy club circuit. The character Corporal Gordon Flag is created, who quickly becomes a controversial, comedic monster. Premiered at this year's 24:7 Festival. "A superb and subtle play, that resonates in the mind long after the lights come up" - Caroline May, UK Theatre "An engrossing hour of theatre. FOUR STARS" - Tracey Lowe, The Public Reviews DIRECTOR: Rebecca Taylor. VISITING COMPANY

Embryo 68
Fri 28th Oct '11
EMBRYO 68 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

THE RETREAT By Jenni Herzberg
Wed 12th - Sat 15th Oct, 2011
Presented by House of Orphans in association with The Unholy Mess.
The arrival of an unexpected guest shatters Nick and Flora’s romantic weekend by the sea. Pushed to the brink of self-destruction, can they survive the truth that emerges about Nick’s chilling past? First performed at the Edinburgh Fringe 2010. "The Retreat has many of the elements of classical tragedy, with the unities of time, place and action largely followed and all the worst of the action happening offstage, having to be imagined and dependent on the power of the words and how they are spoken. Very like the Greeks. FOUR STARS" - Broadway Baby, Edinburgh Fringe 2010 DIRECTOR: Lucy Allan. PERFORMED BY Danny Ryder, Paul Irwin, Edwina Lea, Gemma North IN-HOUSE COMPANY

PHYS ED By Simon Carter
Wed 28th Sat 1st Oct, 2011
Presented by Lindsey Bowden in Association with Opposite Leg.
Neville Trellis - a rugby obsessed PE teacher. His identical twin - the greatest player on the planet. The time has come for Neville to claim some glory of his own. Two things stand in his way: his childhood bully and fifteen oversized, weirdly hairy twelve year olds. With the rugby world cup taking place over in New Zealand, Phys Ed looks at the competitive world of rugby union from a completely different angle. Nominated for a 2009 Manchester Evening News Award, and starring Nicholas Osmond (Leon in BBC Radio 4's The Archers), Phys Ed is a heart-warming comedy about triumph over adversity and the true nature of sporting heroism. DIRECTOR: David Windle and Guy Michaels. PERFORMED BY Nicholas Osmond VISITING COMPANY

Embryo 67
Fri 16th Sep 2011
EMBRYO 67 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

Wed 7th - Sat 10th Sep, 2011
Presented by TSL Productions.
Colin likes to watch people... on Facebook, he likes to follow people... on Twitter - and then he meets Graham at the bus shelter. A laugh-out-loud comedy about hidden identity, social networking and the 86 bus home. First performed as part of the Not Part Of Festival 2011. DIRECTOR: Alyx Tole. PERFORMED BY Andrew Madden, Paul Newbery IN-HOUSE COMPANY

Embryo 66
Fri 10th Jun, 2011
EMBRYO 66 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

BABY JESUS FREAK By Ian Winterton.
Wed 1st - Sat 4th Jun '11
Presented by Balloon Head Productions.
For Christ’s sake... "Look, Ruth. I've not had any booze in a fortnight so why are you still here? Am I actually dying? Is my liver fucked? Or have I gone insane?" "Do you think you've gone insane?" "Frankly: yes." "Well, you haven't. You're just having visions from God." "Ah, I see. That's all right, then. Because I was getting worried.' Drunk at his mother's funeral, Born Again Christian Daniel accidentally sleeps with non-believer Lauren. Putting his mistake behind him, he promptly falls in love with Bethany. But, proving that God definitely has a sense of humour, Lauren phones with some news: she's pregnant. Meanwhile, Daniel's alcoholic, atheist brother, Matt, is being visited by Ruth - who claims she's his unborn niece... DIRECTOR: Matthew Gould. PERFORMED BY Natalie Husdan, Adam Lowe, Claire Dean, Gemma F. Flannery, Ben Rigby IN-HOUSE COMPANY

Wed 11th - Sat 14th May '11
Presented by À Rebours Theatre Company.
Everybody wants and everybody needs. Alice knows this more than most. Because the trouble with Alice is she's spent that long thinking about everybody else she's forgotten that she wants and she needs just as much as they do. Maybe it's time she did something about it? Chasing Rainbows carefully juxtaposes the working class reality of a Post-Thatcher Britain with New Labour's carefully polished promise of a new "Cool Britannia" for all. The label is changed, but is the message really that different? Set in Sheffield in 1996, the play is a coming of age drama sound-tracked by the guitar riffs of Britpop. It relays the trials and tribulations of one family's journey as they come to terms with the fact that the challenges of life are best met head on and if at all possible, that they are faced together... "Believable and honest... An enteraining and well written drama that makes excellent use of its actors and location" - Remoatgoat (Chasing Rainbows review, Manchester 2010) "Gavin Crippin has an excellent ear for natural dialogue" - British Theatre Guide (Boys Don't Cry review, Camden Festival 2010) VISITING PRODUCTION

AN ENGLISHMAN'S HOME By Richard Vergette
Wed 16th - Sat 19th Mar '11
Presented by Ensemble 52.
There is a comfort in darkness - a comfort which the sole occupant of the crumbling mansion is prepared to kill for. The majestic voice of Callas crackles from an ancient record player as Roger Beaumont, home from prison, pours himself another drink and invites you to hear his story. "In a measured and nicely understated narrative Vergette offered a provocative study which ranged wide across the absurdities of the English class system, the inadequacies of modern materialism, the knee-jerk hypocrisy of the British press, and the inarticulacy of 21st century sexuality. Directed with great economy by Andrew Pearson the performance by Vergette was a tour-de-force which would have graced any professional stage." - The Independent "...a very well-constructed piece of drama, elegantly written and given a compelling performance by Richard Vergette" - David Chadderton, The British Theatre Guide "...thought-provoking... beautifully performed and directed..." - Natalie Anglesey, Manchester Evening News DIRECTOR: Andrew Pearson. PERFORMED BY Richard Vergette IN-HOUSE COMPANY

Embryo 65
Fri 15th Apr, 2011
EMBRYO 65 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!

TIN GIRL STORY By Kate Gilbert with live music composed by Michael Cretu.
Wed 6th - Sat 9th Apr, 2011
Presented by Don't Look Up.
A young girl is imprisoned in the Tin Man's shop and dreams of her escape. One day she is given a way out. But will anyone ever melt her tin heart? Tin Girl Story is an urban fairy tale directed by Andy Rogers (Assistant Dir. Royal Exchange) and told through storytelling, poetry and songs. Live, original compositions from renowned double bass player Michael Cretu, adds beauty and gypsy spirit. Think Grimm's Tales meets Angela Carters’ Bloody Chamber all set to music. Tin Girl Story will be followed by a solo performance from Michael Cretu on double Bass (Thursday - Saturday). This is a great opportunity to enjoy Michael’s unparalleled solo ability on bowed bass. Michael will be performing part of his solo show. This year his show tours to Paris, London Jazz Festival, returning to the Manchester Royal Exchange. There will be an after show discussion on Wednesday 6th April. "Gilbert’s writing doesn’t need spurring on by plot... a minutely observed slice of an encounter of a human kind" - Manchester Evening News "An engaging and thought-provoking piece of theatre" - Kate Pearson, Contact Theatre "Michael Cretu's playing is inspired and inspiring, hitting emotional and dramatic peaks" - Manchester Evening News DIRECTOR: Andy Rogers. PERFORMED BY Kate Gilbert, Michael Cretu on double bass IN-HOUSE COMPANY

Thu 28th - Sat 30th Apr, 2011
TALES FROM THE BLACKJACK By Richard Holdsworth. Presented by Bordello Theatre Co..
One man, three tales, the edge of your seat... Hold tight to you seats as you’re taken on an enthralling adventure through the mysterious and mesmerising world of the casino. A straight talking Croupier introduces three tales of life inside the four walls of the gambling superhighway, stripping away the glitz of glamour to reveal a harsh reality of debt and desperation. Have you ever wondered how you turn a normal human being into a dependant gambling addict? Find out the answer in this energetic tale of corruption and despair, kung fu fights and insane heights. Not to be missed. TALES FROM THE BLACKJACK began at the grass roots of a pub in Lancashire and rapidly became a multi-award winning theatrical tour-de-force. The show scooped Best Actor and Best Production at 2010’s Buxton Fringe, and achieved further success by winning an MEN Award for Best Performance in a Studio Production. Bordello Theatre are the exciting new company behind the show and the professional producing arm of Lancashire based organisation Bluestreak Arts. Bluestreak has a regional reputation for providing high quality, engaging creative activities and events. Over the past three years the company has produced several theatrical productions including Fantastic Mr Fox, The Red Shoes and a summer promenade performance of The Wizard of Oz. 2010 saw Bluestreak launch Bordello Theatre Company as a new vehicle to take their work nationally and beyond. The success of their first outing with Tales From The Blackjack has seen a new tour scheduled for the second half of 2011. "An unremitting and unforgettable performance" - City Life (2011) "Breathtaking!" - The Public Reviews (2010) "Witty and satirical. Effortless characterisation..." - Three Weeks (2010) DIRECTOR: Graham Easterlow. PERFORMED BY Alex Moran VISITING COMPANY

ONE, NINETEEN By Tim Simpson.
Wed 2nd - Sat 5th Mar '11
Presented by Team Mono.
Freak storms bring devasting floods to the West Coast of England, but before the rescue effort arrives, the media are already in town spinning their story. A play about the power of the news, the strength of the government, the question of climate change, and of course, the search for Sam, Jack and little Chloe... Written by Archers’ writer Tim Stimpson, One Nineteen enjoyed a successful premiere at London’s Arcola Theatre, with rave reviews, including 4 stars from Time Out magazine. Team Mono are pleased to be bringing this increasingly relevant piece of work back to the stage with new direction and exciting multimedia. Teammono Theatre Productions are dedicated to bringing high quality writing to the stage, using both in-house writers and associate writers. Mike Friend said: “I am looking to produce and develop not only my own writing, but help deliver writing that is too good to be left on a shelf or a pc somewhere. Good writing and great actors deserve to be on a stage for the world to see.” "A fast and pacey satire which hits the bullseye every time" - Hackney Gazette "The various narrative strands are neatly overlapped to create an all too plausible picture. … It entertains while also leaving you much to think about." - The Stage "Four Stars" - Time Out DIRECTOR: Mike Friend. Technical Production by Jack Woodcock. VISITING PRODUCTION

Embryo 64
Fri 18th Feb, 2011
EMBRYO 64 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more! This week featuring a brand spanking new neo-burlesque troupe! The Cirque du Manc Mistresses shimmy, shake, wink & wiggle for your entertainment! Bringing burlesque-inspired routines from the circus to the street or stage, these saucy stocking-clad missies are here to give you a show! With background skills in dance, fire arts, circus performance and striptease, the Cirque du Manc Mistresses are an act to look out for in Manchester and further afield. The performers at Embryo will be Kitty Freckles, Foxy Ethel and Mischief May.

Sat 18th Dec 2010
STUDIO SALFORD LOTTA BOTTLE AWARDS Our annual awards and end-of-season bash...

Embryo 63
Fri 17th Dec, 2010
EMBRYO 63 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

THE PIECE By Terry Hughes.
Wed 1st - Sat 4th Dec '10
Presented by Hit and Run Theatre Company.
When Blanche and Dawn are reunited after twenty years there's no question who's been the more successful. But are things really as they appear on the surface or is there trouble simmering beneath in this dark comedy by Edinburgh Fringe First winning playwright Terry Hughes about the struggle to maintain optimism and originality in a seemingly oblivious, insensitive and indifferent world. For Life’s a Gatecrash, Fringe First winning play: "Built with Hitchcockian skill" - Manchester Evening News "Taut as a whip and crackling with suspense" - Time Out DIRECTOR: Helen Parry. PERFORMED BY Julia Nelson & Michelle Hughes VISITING COMPANY / WORLD PREMIERE

Fri 26th Nov, 2010
CHAPEL STREET OPEN STUDIOS AT THE KING'S ARMS Yes that's right - STUDIO SALFORD is presenting FREE theatre this FRIDAY! Studio Salford's seven in-house theatre companies will present FREE bite-sized chunks of what they are all about, aiming to give you a flavour of the type of theatrical dish that can be digested throughout the rest of the year. Added musical seasoning included. It is all part the CHAPEL STREET OPEN STUDIOS at the KING'S ARMS, Bloom Street, Salford, and it is free admission from 8pm. At least 5 of the 7 in house theatrecompanies will present a short performance and also a trailer of next week's visiting production The Piece. Come and go as you please and savour the full artistic experience that takes place within the Kings Arms!

Wed 17th - Sat 20th Nov '10
Presented by Organised Chaos Productions.
Jeff Bernard (played by award winning actor Phil Dennison) awakes early one morning locked in his favourite haunt, The Coach and Horses pub in Soho. Unable to leave, and with only alcohol for company, he makes the best of the situation and reminisces about his world of women, drinking and cat-racing. This play was made famous by Peter O'Toole. "If they can produce this standard of work on their first outing they're definitely worth watching in the future." - Manchester Confidential "If this play is going to be the standard they achieve in future, the North West is in for some real treats." - Buxton Fringe DIRECTOR: Gayle Hare. PERFORMED BY Phil Dennison, Kirsty Fox, Edward Barry, Simon Griffiths, Zoe Matthews & Samantha Vaughan. VISITING COMPANY

EIGHTEEN By Mike Heath
Wed 3rd - Sat 6th Nov '10
Presented by Mediamedea.
Al grew up down south and moved away when he was 18. He's now lived in Manchester for 18 years. A visit from an old flame from back home, Caroline, brings old skeletons out of the closet. Eighteen is the eighth play from Mike Heath. A drama. Previous Reviews For Mike Heath's plays: "Funny, thought-provoking and well-acted" - Kevin Bourke, MEN, for The Game of Two Halves at The Library Theatre "Fast, funny and deliciously rude, this is another winner" - Kevin Bourke, MEN, for HotShot at Studio Salford "...a delightful and extremely funny comedy. The audience that I saw it with, loved it." - Richard Hall, The Public Reviews, for Plus One…? at The Lowry DIRECTOR: TBC. PERFORMED BY TBC IN-HOUSE COMPANY / PREMIERE

Embryo 62
Fri 22nd Oct, 2010
EMBRYO 62 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

UNDER MY SKIN By Rob Johnston
Wed 13th - Sat 16th Oct '10
Presented by Breathe Out Theatre.
A pitch-black comedy about guilt-free crime. Will and Jimmy - two Salford boys at the bottom of the pile - have lost their moral compass. While waiting for it to turn up they decide to follow the example set by our illustrious politicians : it’s only a crime if you get caught! View trailer on YouTube "Guilt free laughs – 5 stars!" - remotegoat "A show that knows how to draw out the humour in the darkest of human impulses. The dialogue is excellent." - The Liverpool Post DIRECTOR: Brainne Edge. PERFORMED BY Adam Davies, Andrew Sykes, Peter Carruthers, Ruth Piggott IN-HOUSE COMPANY

Wed 29th Sep - Sat 2nd Oct, 2010
Presented by Ensemble 52.
The Award Winning Theatre Company Ensemble 52 presents David Pattison’s new play Something Hidden. A dark, humorous, sometimes irreverent exploration of the relationships and experiences that shaped Philip Larkin, one of the 20th Century’s finest poets. Praise for previous production As We Forgive Them: "Intense, intelligent piece of drama... Superb" - British Theatre Review "As We Forgive Them satisfies on every level... Should not be missed - 5 Stars" - What’s on Stage "Vergettte and Joe Sims, first rate... Expertly directed by Andrew Pearson... Not to be Missed - 4 Stars" - Manchester Evening News DIRECTOR: Andrew Pearson. PERFORMED BY Richard Vergette, Rachel Dale, Kathryn Worthington, Jackie Rogers IN-HOUSE COMPANY

Embryo 61
Fri 17th Sep, 2010
EMBRYO 61 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Embryo 60
Fri 11th Jun, 2010
EMBRYO 60 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Wed 2nd - Sat 5th Jun, 2010
Presented by Unearthed Theatre.
I know everything now I'm 15. Except ... I don't! When I Grow Up To Be A Man follows Lola on a journey to find her place in the world, a place she can finally be comfortable in. Only comfort like this isn't an easy find. A fight through social ‘normality’ and the gender traps that surround her - and perhaps us all. "Entertaining funny and thought provoking. With wonderful performances, this show will resonate with anyone who can remember their younger years" - Student Direct DIRECTOR: Ellie Rose. PERFORMED BY Helen Becconsall, Briony O'Callaghan, Ellie Rose.

Wed 12th - Sat 15th May '10
Presented by Swine Theatre.
Idealistic social work graduate ENID is blackmailed into taking part in an experimental project to live on the notoriously bizarre 'Bernard Hepton' estate. She is quickly drawn into a nightmarish/rib-tickling mystery - involving murder, mind-control, and one mans mad attempt to create paradise with an army of the insane... This play takes a sideways, tragi-comic look at the strange, twilight world of mental health social work. Whoever is ruining the country by the time this show is performed, one thing is for sure - they will have to deal with the kind of cartoonish twenty-first century problems highlighted here: Spooky corporate agendas of the social care industry, worrying trends in mental illness, and the unnerving antics of the so-called underclass... The play stars actors Rachel Priest and Chris Barlow, as well as director Ian Curley, who also takes a Dr. Strangelovesque three roles ( pompous, out of touch sociology professor Emil; deeply disturbed gay nazi Arthur Parsons; and sinister amateur psychologist Bob Goodman.) Also appearing will be performance artist Karen McLeod as lovable schizophrenic Susie Papers. The show is written by myself, Tam Hinton. I shall be performing in the role of 'The storyteller'. "Extraordinary. Mind-bending - and exhilarating" - Kevin Bourke, Manchester Evening News DIRECTOR: Swine Theatre. PERFORMED BY Chris Barlow, Ian Curley, Tam Hinton, Karen McLeod, Rachel Priest.

JUMBLE By Sally Lawton
Wed 28th Apr - Sat 1st May '10
Presented by TSL Productions.
Nigel has been head teacher at Baker Dale Primary School for seven years. His PA’s obsessed with him, his wife (a head teacher at a better Primary School) hates him and he’s feeling the pressure – so he does what any other self-respecting head teacher would do, he forges this year’s SATs results. All he wants to do is forget he ever did it and bury his head under a rock, but the PTA are trying to plan their annual jumble sale and the arrival of Maggie – the blonde bombshell from the city stirs up feelings he never thought he had. But who is Maggie? And what does she want at Baker Dale? Further info: DIRECTOR: Mike Heath. PERFORMED BY Christopher Taylor, Daniel Holden, Jennifer Edwards, Katherine Godfrey & Sally Lawton

Embryo 59
Fri 16th Apr, 2010
EMBRYO 59 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

TAG TEAM By Ian Winterton
Wed 7th - Sat 10th Apr '10
Presented by Balloon Head Productions in association with Shred Productions.
Who gets to go first? "Your clothes are your plumage. Your feathers. This shirt - fucking nice, top drawer feathers. I'm a peacock. I'm THE peacock. Your get-up - manky feathers. Feathers like on those pigeons you see hobbling around the Tube with half a foot missing. Me: peacock. You: fucked up pigeon. I'm just saying." "Way to boost my confidence." Over-confident Jez and insecure Alan arrange to meet two women via a dating website but only one turns up. Has her friend really cancelled and why does Jez not seem remotely surprised? Balloon Head's last production at Studio Salford, Wednesday, has been programmed to appear at The Lowry Theatre in August, with a national tour planned for the latter half of 2010. Further info: Ian Winterton, 07722 850 940 / ian.winterton [at] / "alarming but amusing... superb... remarkably well written" - City Life DIRECTOR: Trevor MacFarlane. PERFORMED BY Annamarie Bayley, Chris Hoyle, Zoe Matthews, Matt Milburn.

Wed 17th Sat 20th Mar 2010
THE ROOTS OF LOVE + AS WE FORGIVE THEM (DOUBLE BILL) Mediamedea presents a double bill of plays by Cathy Crabb and Richard Vergette.
FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL OFFER !!! Keep your ticket stub to this show and gain discounted entry into Islington Mill. Inspired by Studio Salford's very own Embryo night, Norte Chico at Islington Mill will be taking place on Fri 19 March from 7.30pm - 1.00am in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Poetry, comedy, short film, singer/songwriters, bands, DJs, an extraordinary RAFFLE... and so much more. Check out for more details. £5 entry, £3 with your ticket stub from this show! THE ROOTS OF LOVE by Cathy Crabb. Inspired by the all time classic What Becomes of the Broken Hearted by Jimmy Ruffin. This is a short and intense play about a relationship between a man whose son died as a boy and his son's childhood best friend. The audience witness the last twenty minutes of a twenty year friendship between two unique and charismatic men. A relationship built on remorse, guilt, love and vivid imaginations. AS WE FORGIVE THEM by Richard Vergette. America, November 2008: the new President is elected amidst an 'audacity of hope'. For newly elected Democrat Congressman, John Daniels, this should be a time of celebration. Instead he must decide the fate of his daughter’s murderer: should he exact revenge or grant redemption... or both? "As We Forgive Them is an involving and sometimes moving story which is enhanced by a pair of marvellous performances" - UK Theatre Network "Both Vergette and Joe Simms, who plays the prisoner Lee Fenton are two first rate, professional actors and it shows in their delivery and timing. As they progress from tutor and pupil to a very different relationship, it's one full of unexpected surprises" - Manchester Evening News "Just as with Vergette's previous 24:7 play (‘An Englishman’s Home’), this is an intense, intelligent piece of drama that appears to lead the audience in a familiar direction and then completely flips its perspective to take it somewhere unexpected. In this play there are two twists right near the end: a revelation from Daniels about his scheme to educate Fenton that the prisoner never suspected even in his most cynical moments, followed by a superb come-back revelation from Fenton, which he twists again" - British Theatre Review "Vergette’s script tackles themes of guilt, redemption, forgiveness and ambition but does so within the framework of an absorbing thriller that secures complete concentration. Like the best writers he flatters the audience into thinking they have guessed the ending and then throws in a credible surprise twist" - What’s On Stage DIRECTOR: Neil Bell / Andrew Pearson. PERFORMED BY Lee Antley and Joe O’Byrne / Joe Simms and Richard Vergette.

Wed 3rd - Sat 6th Mar '10
Local theatre company 2 Boards & A Passion present their Edinburgh Festival 2009 hit Tomb to Womb. 'What makes us who we are and who we become?' (50 minutes) Breathe Out Theatre presents Short Sharp Shocks, three stand-alone pieces of new writing. Rob Johnston's Verbally Challenged winning (and Embryo hit) comedy Head Space, Brett Westwell's surreal Smoking Kills, and Pat Ashe's powerful Satellites. (30 minutes)

Embryo 58
Fri 19th Feb, 2010
EMBRYO 58 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more! PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Fri 18th Dec '09
THE BIFTAS - our annual awards and end-of-season bash...

Embryo 57
Fri 11th Dec, 2009
EMBRYO 57 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Wed 2nd - Sat 5th Dec '09
Presented by Mediamedea.
Letitia wants an unforgettable Christmas day. Ruth, Letitia's daughter, still hasn't forgiven her for the divorce from her father and subsequent, whirlwind marriage to Terry. Terry is not best pleased that his world class Christmas dinner menu is not going the way he planned. Christmas crackers, party hats, secrets and Gamy Lettuce Casserole - will this be the unforgettable Christmas day Letitia is counting on? The seventh play from Mike Heath debuts at Studio Salford this Christmas. DIRECTOR: Mike Heath. PERFORMED BY Sarah Adams, Chris Barlow, Mark Butt, Corinne Coward, Phil Dennison, Tom Hogan and Denice Hope. PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE

Wed 18th - Sat 21st Nov, 2009
Presented by Cul-de-Sac Theatre.
After their success with Samuel Beckett's Endgame (Winner 'Best Drama' Award, Buxton Festival, 2003), Cul-de-Sac Theatre return with perhaps Beckett's most well known play. Utilising slapstick and physical theatre, the hilarity of hopelessness is highlighted through the sheer desperation of the situation and the players. Echoes of silent films resonate throughout the farcical absurdness of everything. And meanwhile, we wait... DIRECTOR: Julia Nelson and Eric Northey. PERFORMED BY Clyve Bonelle, Phil Dennison, Martin Drew, Dolly Rose Campbell, Terry Naylor. NEW PRODUCTION / VISITING COMPANY

Wed 4th - Sat 7th Nov 2009
Presented by Breathe Out Theatre.
Michael has come to a new town looking for a new life. Frank is meant to help him find one. But who’s going to help Frank find a new life of his own? A play about finding your way back. First performed in the 24-7 Manchester Theatre Festival 2008. From the writer of Now Breathe Out and The Opposite of Claustrophobic (Studio Salford, April 2009) and Fencing for Losers (long-listed for The Kings Award for New Writing at The Courtyard Theatre, London, and soon to be seen in Jan 2010 at The Lowry Studio). "smart jokes and an uncompromisingly happy ending" - Manchester Evening News "fresh and challenging" - Altrincham Messenger DIRECTOR: Ed Barrett.

Embryo 56
Fri 30th Oct '09
EMBRYO 56 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

MY LIFE'S WORK By James Allen
Wed 14th - Sat 17th Oct, 2009
Presented by Trickster Theatre.
Trickster Theatre resurrects one of the strangest and most popular slices of the absurd to come kicking and screaming out of the critically acclaimed 24:7 Theatre festival... A tale of a man's struggle with himself, his grief and a guilty conscience that keeps smoking his last fag... "I defy anyone not to enjoy this show...a series of surreal sketches involving James Allen (the soft hairy one) and Cellan Scott (the scary Irish one) are perfectly cast as an oddball couple. The physical theatre style is reminiscent of work by The Right Size - slapstick surrealism and audience participation make this a fun-packed show not to be missed" - UK Theatre Network DIRECTOR: Christopher Neil. PERFORMED BY James Allen, Cellan Scott & TBC NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE

EIGHT By Ella Hickson
Wed 30th Sep - Sat 3rd Oct, 2009
Presented by NewUpNorth Theatre Company.
Having finished hugely successful runs in New York and in London’s West End ‘NewUpNorth’ theatre company are pleased to be staging the award winning ‘Eight’ for the first time to a Northern audience. The play swept the boards at the Edinburgh Festival in 2008, winning a Fringe First, the NSDF Edinburgh Emerging Artists Award and the prestigious Carol Tambor Award. The audience will see four out of our selection of eight oddballs, hitting adulthood in the Naughties, have their lives invaded by notions of normality. Existing on the fringes of society, Eight sheds light on these societal refugees wrestling with their identity within a spiritually bankrupt Britain. Sharply written, it rebuffs the definition of contemporary youth as apathetic, drug-munching, no-brainers. "You’re blown away by four terrific monologues that succeed in saying far more about the mood of modern Britain than some of the nation’s leading playwrights can manage in a two-hour drama. ****" - Joyce McMillan, Scotsman DIRECTOR: Trevor MacFarlane. PERFORMED BY Peter Hunt, Elizabeth Lowe, Scarlett Mack, Timm Dann.

Wed 16th - Sat 19th Sep, 2009
Presented by Don't Look Up.
Set on a deserted riverbank in the early hours of the morning, Matt and Faith who met in a club earlier decide to finish the night under the stars. Dealing with their lives as dawn arrives and feeling their way through the dark, a simple one night stand turns into a roller-coaster ride where the past comes back to haunt them. Watching Stars was originally performed as part of 24:7 Theatre Festival in 2008 to much acclaim. This production is a revamped version in collaboration with Chris Sudworth (Mind The Gap, Shadow Companion) "A minutely-observed slice of an encounter of the human kind." - Manchester Evening News DIRECTOR: Chris Sudworth. PERFORMED BY Kate Gilbert & Dean O'Sullivan VISITING PRODUCTION / NEW WRITING

Embryo 55
Fri 4th Sep, 2009
EMBRYO 55 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

'WEDNESDAY' & 'PARADISE WOOD' DOUBLE BILL (Not Part Of Festival 2009) By Ian Winterton.
Wed 15th - Sat 18th Jul '09
Studio Salford is proud to announce its hosting of the 'Not Part Of' Festival this year at the lovely King's Arms. We wish 'Not Part Of' Festival all the best in the world and are proud to support an event such as this. This is a one-off in between our 2 seasons at the King's so be sure not to miss out! Suicide & God, kidnap & Corrie... Two darkly funny new plays. Paradise Wood sees two strangers meet at a suicide black-spot, while in Wednesday, Rose and Daniel wake up in a cellar, tied to a bed... Contains strong language, mild nudity and adult themes. Suitable for ages 15+ only. DIRECTOR: Trevor Macfarlane / Clare Howdon. PERFORMED BY Simon Bates, James Boyland, Tara Lofthouse, Ruth Middleton, Iain Peacock.

Embryo 54
Fri 12th Jun, 2009
EMBRYO 54 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Sat 6th Jun, 2009
"Being black is hard, especially if you aren't..." Vince Atta is confused. The former City Life Comedian of The Year is a massive player on the Mancunian black comedy circuit; he’s the only one! The North West's pastiest Nubian and reluctant ethnic flag-bearer explains why he, Manchester Comedy and his best shoes... are 'Not Black Enough!' "Engaging... one of the circuit’s most promising acts!" - The Guardian "Brilliant writing!" - Robin Ince "Star of the future. Fact!" - Student Direct "An unstoppable force... forging a brilliant rapport with the audience" - "He sparkles, he’s energetic, animated with a gift for characterisations" - Unity

Wed 3rd - Fri 5th Jun '09
Presented by Debt Productions.
The solitary victim of a mysterious bordello blaze enlists with the Hades musical floor-show. Joined by his guardian demon, a crumbling jazz poet, a filthy blitz-era warbler and an old flame, he soon realises that the love of his life will be the bane of his death. "One of the best and unique acts for their music, theatre and entertainment that the UK has produced this century" - USA Weekly News "Excellent in every way" - BBC Radio 6

PLUS ONE....? By Mike Heath
Wed 20th - Sat 23rd May '09
Presented by Mediamedea.
When Jay gets an invitation to his competitive cousin's wedding, he decides that he cannot go alone. However, being overly choosy, he realises that he's going to have to make some changes before that significant other is going to land in his lap.WORLD PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE

Thu 7th - Sat 9th May '09
Presented by Swine Theatre.
Tam Hinton - a cast of thousands in a one-man show and the creator of such brain boggling solo performances as THE NAKED SOUL OF KIRK GODLESS (Award Winner: Best Comedy - Buxton 2007) and THE MAN WHO SAID TOO MUCH, as well as soul-altering play THE PACKAGE and boxing/poetry spectacle HARD BARDS comes to Studio Salford. Through the artistic medium of LIES, Hinton will seek that elusive creature, the TRUTH. Can Mr. Hinton’s dry brained hogwash offer us insights into the soggy eyed truth? Are these mangled forms a glimpse into heart wrenching reality? Or is he just MAKING IT ALL UP? Give a man a mask and he’ll tell the truth... or rob the post office. "extraordinary, mind-bending and exhilharating" - Kevin Bourke, Manchester Evening News PERFORMED BY Tam Hinton NEW WRITING / VISITING PRODUCTION

PLANET YOUNG By Gerry Potter
Wed 6th May '09
Presented by Art Bandit.
Brand new show brought to you by the much celebrated and award-winning underground poet and creator of the sadly late Chloe Poems and the smash hit play "Miracle". This full length show charts the highs and lows of a very full and varied life. Using theatre, monologue and poetry to explore the domestic and fantastic, Gerry Potter promises you a no holds bard performance. So if you want to visit Planet Young for one last time, you will finally be able to. This brand new show comes ahead of his book of the same name coming out this June. Do not miss out on this rare and special event. PERFORMED BY Gerry Potter WORLD PREMIER / IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION

Embryo 52 & 53
Thu 23rd Apr & Fri 24th Apr, 2009
EMBRYO 52 & 53 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Wed 15th - Sat 18th Apr, 2009
Presented by Broken Echo Theatre Company.
The claws are out... In their backstage dressing rooms, the competing girls eye each other in a cockpit of tension and jealousies. Out front, their hopes, fears and frictions are orchestrated by contest organiser Jack Bailey as each of them run the gauntlet of the catwalk and the interviews. Roving eyes (and roving hands) prepare to lead them into battle... The play started life as The Beauty Game at the Library Theatre in Manchester in 1986, and was revived a number of times in the early 1990s starring actors including Minnie Driver, Jan Graveson, Sarah Lancashire, John McArdle, Seamus O'Neill, and Diane Whitley. This new production will be presented by Broken Echo Theatre Company, and will be directed by Bolton-born Paul Walker. Raving Beauties recalls a time when hundreds of millions of TV viewers world-wide tuned in every year to watch Miss World. It’s 1985, and in Salford, the girls competing for the title of Miss Golden Gate Club 1985 are eying each other in a cockpit of tension and jealousy. As they prepare to run the gauntlet of the catwalk and the press interviews, they’ve all got one eye on the roving hands of contest organiser Jack Bailey. As the contest unfolds, so too do the hopes, fears, and preconceptions of the competing girls. Is the long-term cost of body beautiful too high? DIRECTOR: Paul Walker. PERFORMED BY Ian Curley, Ryan Greaves, Jo Haydock, Jennifer Jordan-O’Neill, Katie McArdle, Amanda-Leigh Owen, Eleanor Samson

Wed 1st - Sat 4th Apr, 2009
Presented by Breathe Out Theatre.
A double bill from writer Rob Johnston. Two plays for the price of one! The Opposite of Claustrophobic: An unhappy housewife's axe-filled encounter with a would-be burglar leads to more than either of them could have bargained for. A dramatic comedy about breaking in and breaking free. Now Breathe Out: A young man's surreal journey through the perils and pitfalls of finding an unexpected lump in his undies. Now Breathe Out was Winner of Best Play in the Partington One-Act Play Festival, and Runner-up in the Scottish Community Drama Association's Play on Words Festival. "The dialogue throughout was sharp and punctuated by moments of pure Britishness." - BBC Manchester "biting black comedy" - Altrincham Messenger DIRECTOR: Christopher Neil / Brainne Edge. NEW WRITING / VISITING COMPANY

Embryo 51
Fri 20th Feb, 2009
EMBRYO 51 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Sat 13th Dec, 2008
THE BIFTAS - our annual awards and end-of-season bash...

Embryo 50
Fri 12th Dec, 2008
EMBRYO 50 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our five In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

DEATH OF A LILY By Andrew Yates
Wed 3rd - Sat 6th Dec '08
Presented by Tatty Band.
Set in Berlin in the 1930's, the show is an impressionistic trip through the world of a troupe of cabaret performers, stuck in a never ending cycle that spirals them into the depths of despair and hopelessness. The spirit of the age is captured by the music - with songs by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht, Cole Porter and Jacques Brel, and original music by Andrew Yates and Barry Thompson, plus the odd showstopper made famous by the likes of Edith Piaf and Marlene Dietrich. Music, images and video at DIRECTOR: Claire Berry. PERFORMED BY Andrew Yates, Charlotte Hodgson, Dora Cruz, Ian Curley, Kate Gilbert, Melissa Ward, Patricia Hartshorne, Phil Dennison, Sian Haslock, Sue Jaynes, Terry Naylor. THE TATTY BAND: John Scott (Musical Director), Lawrence Marshall, Brian Grantham, Ros Hawley. PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / VISITING COMPANY / MUSICAL

THREE SHEETS By Christine Marshall
Wed 19th - Sat 22nd Nov, 2008
Presented by Jelly Shoe Productions.
Once again award winning playwright Christine Marshall chooses Studio Salford to premiere her already Award winning piece Three Sheets, following that of the multi-award winner, Salford Stuffers. Three Sheets, winner of the Royal Exchange Writers prize 2008 and Bruntwood listed has been incubating for a quarter of a century from the time of the final miners' strike in 1984; and now it's time to tell the tale. Based on a set of true events, a miner Tommy, is dying at the same speed as his beloved industry. Tommy has owned nothing in his hard life but is now determined to own his own death. Set in an NHS hospital the play follows Tommy's last quest to the very end, as his mates picket at the hospital gates and Thatcher gains strength to go in for the final kill. The characters surrounding Tommy parallel the political players of the time. A play which will make you laugh out loud as the nurses caring for Tommy battle with his demands and their own demons and make you cry inside as the full gravity of the situation hits you. And it will hit you. In 1984 this country had 170,000 miners now it has approx 300. In 1984 there were 186 collieries in this country now there are 9. Destined for bigger stages on the anniversary of the strike in 2009, see it first on a 'real' stage in Salford! DIRECTOR: Christine Marshall. WORLD PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / VISITING COMPANY

Embryo 49
Fri 14th Nov, 2008
EMBRYO 49 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our five In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Wed 5th - Sat 8th Nov, 2008
Presented by Second Nature Theatre Company.
Mr Jenkins wakes from a disturbed sleep in the early hours of the morning to find a smartly dressed stranger in his living room. The stranger is as reluctant to give answers as he is to leave... Can our everyday choices and seemingly irrelevant actions have serious consequences? Has anyone told Mr Jenkins? Ross Andrew's Manchester Evening News Award Winning dark comedy is touring again! If you missed this last time around in the 24:7 Theatre Festival, here's another chance to see it, and if you've already seen it - thanks and come and see the new extended version. Developed with the support of Oldham Coliseum. "Sharply written by Ross Andrews and compellingly presented..." - Kevin Bourke, Manchester Evening News "The drive and pace were fantastic and the packed audience were howling with laughter. Make sure you don't miss this show - even if you have to bring your own seat!" - Caroline May, UK Theatre Network DIRECTOR: Sue McGeorge. M.E.N. THEATRE AWARD WINNER / VISITING COMPANY

Wed 15th - Sat 18th Oct 2008
Presented by Mediamedea.
They may very well be convention-bothering virgins with Doritos bellies and apron string rashes, but sci-fi fans have feelings too and are, at the very core, human. Laurie Rea's play (meddled with a bit by Cathy Crabb) is homage to the sad loser of this world, and explores what happens when a person who has wasted their life reading comics, playing with action figures and dressing up, faces the prospect of fatherhood. Expect klingons, comics, light-sabers and loners in this tale of love and heroes. Check out the M.E.N. City Life preview.PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE

Embryo 48
Fri 10th Oct, 2008
EMBRYO 48 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our five In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

HALFWAY by Phil Minns
Wed 1st - Sat 4th Oct, 2008
Presented by Vista Theatre Company.
Come and join us and enter a world you probably had no idea existed. A young mans rite of passage exploring sexuality, coming of age and the mortality of those closest to him. Text and movement intertwine to create images of his thoughts, feelings, real moments and most importantly human contact and intimacy. One body speaks the other becomes shadows, people, his thoughts, material objects and fantasy beings to help him escape the trappings and feelings of his real life. Originally a ten minute monologue in the successful “Silent Joys and Broken Toys” (nominated for best drama Buxton Festival Fringe 2006) that has been developed into this 60 minute tale of love, affection and the feeling of being wanted…. That warm embrace of another human. The play looks back with hindsight “…I didn’t need the sex… I just wanted the contact… then it became habit, a routine to get out of the house not being able to break the cycle…” Phil Minns and Sarah Bacon perform the piece exploring this dark and damp interesting world with honesty and power. The performance contains moments that will make you feel uncomfortable, then before you know it you will be laughing as you're drawn into this world of a naïve teenager. Nominated for 2 Buxton Festival Fringe Awards 2008 - Best New Writing and Best Actor. "...the poetic writing and the precision of the choreography make Halfway highly recommended." - Robbie Carnegie, Buxton Festival Fringe, 2008 "...Crackles with energy and commitment." - Kevin Bourke - Manchester Evening News "...And so it was. An Extravaganza, an Entertainment, an Education. If it upsets you - good - so drama should. And it will, and move you and grow you. You'll be better for seeing this show (Silent Joys and Broken Toys)" - John Wilson - Festival Chair – Buxton Festival Fringe 2006 PERFORMED BY Phil Minns and Sarah Bacon. NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE

DAISIES By Alistair McDowall
Wed 10th - Sat 13th Sep, 2008
Presented by Cheap Seats.
Produced by Lucille Oliver-Harrison. Lucy and Isabel are floating. Using cardboard, glitter, glue, stories and songs, they attempt to define the undefinable: Love. Daisies is Alistair McDowall’s thirteenth written play, and his fifth play as director. It was previously performed for one night at the Martin Harris Centre for Music and Drama, to a sold out audience, before transferring to the 24:7 Festival in July 2008, for a well-received run of six performances. He has worked on several projects with the Royal Exchange, as well as the Contact Theatre. "Radical...Disturbing...Alistair McDowall directs his own script with economical flair and Lisa Gill and Beattie Edmondson wade in with enthusiasm and conviction" - Manchester Evening News "An intriguing study of love, loss and regret" - Metro "Laurie Anderson (meets) Samuel Beckett…Lisa Gill and Beattie Edmondson act with real conviction and appear completely secure in their roles, due in no small part to a script which perfectly captures the modern urban idiom" - UK Theatre Net DIRECTOR: Alistair McDowell. PERFORMED BY Beattie Edmondson and Lisa Gill. NEW WRITING / VISITING COMPANY / 24:7 PICK OF THE BEST. Contains mature content / coarse language.

Embryo 47
Fri 29th Aug, 2008
EMBRYO 47 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our five In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Embryo 46
Fri 6th Jun, 2008
EMBRYO 46 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our five In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

HOTSHOT By Mike Heath
Wed 28th - Sat 31st May '08
Presented by Mediamedea.
The new comedy by Mike Heath will be debuting at Studio Salford. Come and bask in the sun in this holiday comedy about running away. From MEN Theatre Award winning Mediamedea and the writer of “The Game of Two Halves” (winner Best New Writing, Best Director, nominated Best Comedy, Buxton 07 and Re:Play festival at The Library Theatre), “The Rise and Demise of Kenneth Kennedy-Smythe” (Best New Writing, Best Actor, Best Actress 06), “Cake” (24:7 2007) and “Jam” (24:7 2004). "FAST, funny and deliciously rude, this is another winner at one of Manchester’s hidden theatrical gems." - Kevin Bourke, Manchester Evening News PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE COMPANY

ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE By Patricia Hartshorne and Michael Elphick
Wed 14th - Sat 17th May, 2008
Presented by Gloves Off Productions.
Imagine ‘Talking Heads’ with something extra thrown in. Meet Mrs.Harris, the cleaner, who is game for anything. Join Enid Pringle, the receptionist who isn’t... but whose eyes are opening. Get to know the doctors, the patients... Follow Enid on her helter-skelter journey of self-discovery. Laugh and cry with her – and then, celebrate! "If you like Alan Bennett, you’ll love this." - Buxton Fringe 2007 PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / VISITING COMPANY

RICHARD III By William Shakespeare
Wed 30th Apr - Sat 3rd May, 2008
Presented by Trickster Theatre.
Trickster returns to Shakespeare with Richard III, a political thriller focusing on the pursuit of power. The notorious monarch, a ruthless villain hero, plots and schemes to become ruler and is prepared to do anything to achieve his goal. Seduction without conscience... manipulation without hesitation... brutal murder without remorse. DIRECTOR: Chris Neil. PERFORMED BY Cellan Scott, James Boyland, Emma Laidlaw, Gemma North, Jonathan Davies, Jaimie Scott, James Allen, Jenny May Morgan, Jeryl Burgess, Joan McGee, Lewis Marsh, Noel Wilson, Richard Sails, Sian Haslock. Music by Barry Thompson. IN-HOUSE COMPANY

Embryo 45
Fri 18th Apr, 2008
EMBRYO 45 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our four In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

THE BENCH By Joe O'Byrne
Wed 9th - Sat 12th Apr, 2008
Presented by Albino Injun & Spark Plug Productions.
A tramp sleeps on it... Someone takes pictures of kids on it... A girl has drawn on it... Two scroats plan a burglary on it... A couple shag on it... A boxer skives on it... War veterans reminisce on it... But who haunts it...? It’s just a bench in the park. The one by the war memorial. A boxer, his trainer, a thief, a fake medium, a tramp, a paedophile, an artist, a widow, and a ghost. They’ve all sat on this bench at least once this year. Before the end of the year, someone will die on it... The Bench. A comedy of love, life and loss...PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / VISITING COMPANY

Wed 26th - Sat 29th Mar, 2008
Presented by Pigeon Theatre.
At the end of a long night’s drinking, two performers/lovers collaborate with their audience in the planning and rehearsal of a theatrical performance event. Read the Manchester Evening News review. This is a rehearsal of a ‘new’ show but also a rehearsal of, and attempt to come to terms with, the inevitability of the death of ourselves and our loved ones. Pigeon Theatre are presenting Part 2 of the trilogy: Clinging On - a rehearsal for a show about the breakdown of a relationship. "exhilarating... exciting... be dazzled, challenged, amused and perhaps even a bit frightened" - Kevin Bourke, Manchester Evening News PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / VISITING COMPANY

TO BE CONFIRMED By Charlotte Henry
Wed 12th - Sat 15th Mar, 2008
Presented by b-about-it Theatre.
Michael Jefferies is an ordinary man who knows that he wants his life to change, but can't quite put his finger on how. B-about-it Productions would like to present 'To Be Confirmed...'. A comedy for anyone who's ever thought that there must be more to life than working in a colostomy bag factory... DIRECTOR: Danielle Henry. PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / VISITING COMPANY

Embryo 44
Fri 7th Mar, 2008
EMBRYO 44 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our four In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Embryo 43
Fri 1st Feb, 2008
EMBRYO 43 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our four In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Sat 15th Dec, 2007
The BIFTAS - our annual awards and end-of-season bash...

Embryo 41 & 42
Fri 7th & Sat 8th Dec, 2007
EMBRYO 41 & 42 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our four In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new! - Two nights, both completely different!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Wed 28th Nov - Sat 1st Dec, 2007
Presented by Mediamedea. The latest from acclaimed & award winning writer Cathy Crabb. Bridgette and Ronnie have just moved in and invited their friendly and welcoming new neighbours - Otis and Paula from the flat below - to share a drink with them on their first night as a bit of light relief from their torturous and suffocating demise, now that they have swapped their much loved home in the country to live out the rest of their days in this little box of a dwelling in a run down area. A comedy with sad bits. DIRECTOR: Neil Bell. PERFORMED BY Cathy Crabb, Francine Rees, David Slack and James Foster. NEW WRITING / WORLD PREMIERE / IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION

THE BALACHITES By Stanley Eveling
Wed 14th - Sat 17th Nov, 2007
Presented by Cul-de-sac Theatre.
The Balachites was the inaugural production at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh in 1963. It is a wonderfully surreal tale of three ghosts in an old house. The Corporal is stuck in the trenches of WW1, while Albert and Benjamin philosophise about the meaning of life. When a young couple threaten to disrupt their world, things transform... the Garden of Eden is created and destroyed and we experience a vision of Heaven and Hell. We promise a comic/cosmic blend of philosophy and mixed-media mayhem in a delightful evening of physical and visual theatre. "I was writing about the future... a kind of magic realism" - Stanley Eveling DIRECTOR: Eric Northey. PERFORMED BY Clyve Bonelle, Ian Curley, Martin Drew, Emily Manley, Terry Naylor. IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION

Wed 31st Oct - Sat 3rd Nov, 2007
A story for those who need to have the balls to address their issues and for those with shoes and a dress who need to have a ball! Your head throbs, your back aches, you break out in a sweat, then break out in a rash. You are cut, you are bruised, you are sick, you are tired, you open your mouth and no one hears what you say. These are symptoms of a chronic condition... WORK. You are a shop assistant but you can't help yourself. You are a cleaner with a dirty mind. You are a mechanic who can't put it together. You are a TV repair man but you can't see how it all works. You are a teacher with no answers... you know that... we are not what we do. And if you know that, then you'll know how it feels to be an Occupational Therapist who has a hard job managing the pain that stops her life from working and a bin man who can't sort out the rubbish... in his head. If you long to tear off your uniform to reveal the inner you... or just something figure hugging in taffeta. If you want the world to see the man you really are... or the woman you really want to be. Sit down in the therapist's chair and listen... and look... and if you listen and look really hard you might even see... yourself. DIRECTOR: Nadia Drews. PERFORMED BY Ian Curley, Carolyn Hood. WORLD PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION

Embryo 39 & 40
Fri 26th Oct & Sat 27th Oct, 2007
EMBRYO 39 & 40 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our four In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new! - Two nights, both completely different!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

KARRY OWKY By Michael Stewart
Wed 10th - Sat 13th Oct, 2007
Presented by Vista Theatre Company.
An evening of bawdy comedy, though as the piece progresses and the characters collide in their grotesque and vile manner the comedy gradually bleeds out, leaving a tragic finale. It is a pub opera in the vernacular. Karry Owky was used as a scene study at The Royal National Theatre Studio in 2001 and was nominated for the King's Cross Award for New Writing in 2004. DIRECTOR: Christopher Neil. PERFORMED BY Alana Gorman, Cellan Scott, Jonathan Davies, Laurie Rea, Lisa Whiteside, Noel Wilson, Stefan Bird. WORLD PREMIERE / IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION / NEW WRITING

MIRACLE By Gerry Potter
Wed 26th - Sat 29th Sep, 2007
Presented by Art Bandit.
Miracles come in all shapes and sizes and this one is ten inches long... Miracle tells the story of Will Hung, an ex-rentboy, now porn star who is the miracle cure for all terminal disease, but to cure you he has to have sex with you. Miracle is set in 1994, just before the onset of combination therapy started saving the lives of many gay men. In these dark days, Will Hung is their only hope. Written by Gerry Potter, creator of Chloe Poems, Miracle is part urban fairy-tale, part farce and part Greek tragedy. It's a drama that asks questions that have never been asked before. Never have morality and mortality been so controversially entwined. DIRECTOR: Mike Heath. PERFORMED BY Warren Brown, Jenni Howarth-Williams & Gerry Potter. VISITING PRODUCTION

NICO ICON PLAY By Stella Grundy
Wed 5th - Mon 10th Sep, 2007
Presented by Ultraviolet.
An exploration into the life and times of Christa Paffgen - Model, Actress & Singer with the Velvet Underground. Through the use of live music, film & theatre, Ultraviolet Productions present three decades capturing the glamour, hedonism & coldness of the Warhol years through to the drug addiction and squalor of the 1980s. It chronicles her meeting and close friendship with Manchester svengali Alan Wise, and her many ill-fated attempts to resurge as a credible artist. Written by the front woman of the '90s band Intastella , the fascination with Nico began after the discovery of how little was known about the artist during her Manchester years. Through extensive research and interviews, Nico Icon Play reveals, to a new audience, the dark uncompromising humour and tragedy of a city familiar to those who grew up in '80s Britain. In the words of the writer.... "Nico Paffgen was a woman who occupied a man's life, accused of theft, voilence and racism. She sang like the angel that was banished to hell. She could never stop performing because she had no money and didn't know what else to do. Spending the last eight years of her life in Manchester and touring the toilets of the world. Through interviews I've discovered many fabulous stories which has enabled us to document some of her less well known adventures; from dancing with Allen Ginsberg to pissing in sinks - a proper Rock & Roll adventure." Read the Manchester Evening News article, or listen to the interview on Woman's Hour, BBC Radio 4. More info: "I've always thought Stella to be very talented... a true bohemian. She is Nico's natural successor." - Alan Wise, Music Promoter & Manager "I am glad she has written a play about my Mama." - Ari Paffgen, Nico's son DIRECTOR: James Foster, Stella Grundy, Steve Manford. PERFORMED BY Lee Antley, Clyve Bonelle, Ian Curley, Stella Grundy, Josh Moran, Terry Naylor, Julia Nelson FILM PRODUCTION MANAGER: Russell Moss PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Jane Moore. FILM PERFORMANCES: Dave Ball, Arthur Brown, Cathy Crabb, Martin Drew, James Foster, Peter F.Garrett, Charlene G., Andrew Yates. MUSICIANS: Elvis & John Scott WORLD PREMIERE / VISITING PRODUCTION / NEW WRITING / MULTI-MEDIA

Embryo 37 & 38
Fri 31st Aug & Sat 1st Sep, 2007
EMBRYO 37 & 38 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our four In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new! - Two nights, both completely different!PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Embryo 35 & 36
Thu 19th & Fri 20th July, 2007
EMBRYO 35 & 36 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our five In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new! - Two nights, both completely different! PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Embryo 33 & 34
Fri 8th & Sat 9th June, 2007
EMBRYO 33 & 34 The start of something new... Embryo has showcased the new and developing work of over 900 individual performance related artists. From film to performance poetry, stand-up comedy to the most sophisticated singer / songwriters, individual musicians, new & developing drama performed live, dance troupes, comedy sketches, live bands and so much more! All delivered in ten minute slices, Embryo has proved itself an ideally different antidote to the normal pre-club night out (unless you're actually planning to go for a meal or going home to stay in - we don't mind) and all delivered to you by a specially selected team based at the King's Arms - Studio Salford. Get involved! Like / didn't like what you saw? Why? Write it down - we'll tell them a couple of days later! Fancy feeling a bit daft when you're pulled to stage for winning a crap prize? - Buy a raffle ticket! Wanna take part? - No vetting policy - just make sure your stuff is no longer than ten minutes (apart from 1 x 15min slot each night before the break, 1 x 25min slot each night at the end) and make sure it's NEW! Embryo - Two Nights - Both Completely Different! PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Embryo 31 & 32
Fri 13th & Sat 14th April 2007
EMBRYO 31 & 32 The start of something new... Embryo has showcased the new and developing work of over 900 individual performance related artists. From film to performance poetry, stand-up comedy to the most sophisticated singer / songwriters, individual musicians, new & developing drama performed live, dance troupes, comedy sketches, live bands and so much more! All delivered in ten minute slices, Embryo has proved itself an ideally different antidote to the normal pre-club night out (unless you're actually planning to go for a meal or going home to stay in - we don't mind) and all delivered to you by a specially selected team based at the King's Arms - Studio Salford. Get involved! Like / didn't like what you saw? Why? Write it down - we'll tell them a couple of days later! Fancy feeling a bit daft when you're pulled to stage for winning a crap prize? - Buy a raffle ticket! Wanna take part? - No vetting policy - just make sure your stuff is no longer than ten minutes (apart from 1 x 15min slot each night before the break, 1 x 25min slot each night at the end) and make sure it's NEW! Embryo - Two Nights - Both Completely Different! PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Embryo 29 & 30
Fri 16th & Sat 17th February 2007
EMBRYO 29 & 30 The start of something new... Yes ladies and gents our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development celebrates its 30th NIGHT! By the time Saturday 17th Feb ends, Embryo will have showcased the new and developing work of over 900 individual performance related artists. From film to performance poetry, stand-up comedy to the most sophisticated singer / songwriters, individual musicians, new & developing drama performed live, dance troupes, comedy sketches, live bands and so much more! All delivered in ten minute slices, Embryo has proved itself an ideally different antidote to the normal pre-club night out (unless you're actually planning to go for a meal or going home to stay in - we don't mind) and all delivered to you by a specially selected team based at the King's Arms - Studio Salford. Get involved! Like / didn't like what you saw? Why? Write it down - we'll tell them a couple of days later! Fancy feeling a bit daft when you're pulled to stage for winning a crap prize? - Buy a raffle ticket! Wanna take part? - No vetting policy - just make sure your stuff is no longer than ten minutes (apart from 1 x 15min slot each night before the break, 1 x 25min slot each night at the end) and make sure it's NEW! Embryo - Two Nights - Both Completely Different! FRIDAY - Music from Ryan, Gary Binks, Pablo's End & The Waverton Collective. Sketches from James Boyland & Gary Binks. Comedy from Mr Parsnip. Poetry from Jo Carlon, Gus Fairman, + more slots currently being filled. SATURDAY - Sketches from Cathy Crabb, Elizabeth Poole & Patrick Hollis, Chris McCrudden, Peter Eastbrook. Comedy from Paul Dixon, The Toothpaste Expedition. Music from The Rascals, The Plague Of Sound, The Lady Gardens. Poetry from Matt Panesh, + some short films currently being confirmed. PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Embryo 27 & 28
Thu 7th & Fri 8th December 2006
EMBRYO 27 & 28 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our five In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new! - Two nights, both completely different! PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE / VISITING / FILM / POETRY / MUSIC / COMEDY / CABARET

Tue 28th Nov - Sat 2nd December 2006
Presented by Cul-de-Sac Theatre.
A new project from the award-winning In-House Company, Cul-de-sac Theatre - a one-act play, published in 1985, by Dario Fo, author of such classics as Accidental Death Of An Anarchist and Can't Pay, Won't Pay. The play is a farcical comedy concerning two road sweepers, a naked man, a prostitute, a flower-seller and a policeman. Drawing on pantomimic 'Commedia-style' performance, the characters play around with ideas about philosophy, status, class and 'uniform', i.e. the idea that 'You Are What You Wear' ("naked outside, but clothed within"). As in all Fo's work, serious ideas about society pigeon-holing its citizens are explored satirically, with great humour, knockabout slapstick and vaudeville song and dance. Cul-de-sac Theatre continues its celebration of modern classics - previous productions include Beckett's Endgame (Best Drama, Buxton Festival), a production which caught the playwright's black humour perfectly. Like Beckett, Dario Fo doesn't preach or lecture, but instead uses clowns and buffoons to portray society's foolish pretensions. "A theatre, a literature, an artistic expression that does not speak for its own time has no relevance" - Dario Fo, from Nobel Lecture, 1997. WRITER: Dario Fo. DIRECTOR: Julia Nelson. PERFORMED BY: Andrew Yates, Warren Brown, John Scott, Julia Nelson, Kate Gilbert, Phil Dennison, Terry Naylor. IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION

UNDER THE DIRT By Claire Berry
Tue 14th - Sat 18th November 2006
Presented by Artemis Theatre.
Hurt people, hurt people. A collection of four urban tales about those who live life in the extremes. Each displaying behaviour outside of what is deemed acceptable in a mixed up and hypocritical world. Out of control and seemingly powerless to change, they live out their anguish with ridiculous, tragic and disturbing results. Under The Dirt is a powerful black comedy exploring the darker side of human nature. WRITER: Claire Berry. DIRECTOR: Claire Berry. PERFORMED BY: Andrew Yates, Donna Coleman, Ian Curley, Rachel Priest. PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION

Tue 7th - Sat 11th November '06
Presented by Mediamedea.
From the writer of the very well received The Game Of Two Halves earlier this year, comes this exciting piece of new work. The Americans have struck France with no apparent motive. Kenneth, war correspondent for the BBC, finds himself publicly disgraced and silenced after expressing personal disgust at the actions of the attackers. Kenneth's girlfriend, Jennifer Talia, royal correspondent for the BBC and ceaseless social climber, finds herself caught up in a propaganda trap after being given a position of media power. Her task - to detract the media away from the war... The Rise and Demise of Kenneth Kennedy-Smythe is a darkly comic political satire about two characters who have to make serious choices, exploring the power of the media during times of war. WRITER: Mike Heath. DIRECTOR: Mike Heath. PERFORMED BY: Richard Howell-Jones, Sue Jaynes. PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION

Tue 31st Oct - Sat 4th Nov November, 2006
Created by Adam Zane. Presented by Hope Theatre Company.
Earlier this year, in-house company Hope Theatre presented the critically acclaimed show Village Voices as part of the Queer Up North International Arts Festival and for BBC Radio Manchester. The show featured the fascinating, laugh-out-loud, true stories of Josie Pickering - housewife turned lesbian dominatrix madam! This November, Josie's story continues in a brand new show here at Studio Salford. The play tells the incredible story of how a back-street housewife discovered her true self in 1960's Salford. "Innovative, inspirational and thoroughly enjoyable... One of Manchester's most exciting theatre companies" - Outnorthwest. WRITER: Verbatum theatre piece created by Adam Zane. DIRECTOR: Adam Zane. PERFORMED BY: Erin Shanagher PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION

Sat 21st October, 2006
Part of The Manchester Literary Festival.
The evening's entertainments provide a preview of Chloe Poem's forthcoming book, an appropriately genre-bending work that employs performance, poetry, monologue, prose, a fairy story and theatre to weave a series of interlinked narratives. This one-off live show will reveal the multiple personalities and histories of the enigmatic and beguiling gingham diva. Our no-holds-bard Voice of Treason proves once again that she is the classiest iconoclast on the block. Come and be a better gay! This show is part of the Manchester Literature Festival (12th - 22nd Oct), and will be recorded for a live DVD which will accompany the book. More info: / PERFORMANCE POETRY / PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / VISITING PRODUCTION

Thu 19th October, 2006
Presented by Kinofilm. As part of a series of new nights in Manchester and Salford, Kinofilm will be launching The XXX Club exploring the Wonderful World of Exploitation Cinema. The club commences with Part 1 - SeXploitation. An evening of 1960s SeXploitation movies, rarely seen XXX feature (title to be announced), Nudie Cutie clips, Trailers & Shorts, Go Go girls & Burlesque. SEE SCENES THAT MAY SHOCK YOU!! PROVOCATIVE IMAGES THAT WILL EXCITE YOU! Future Nights will include specials on: Blaxploitation and Racial tension, Atomic War Scare movies, Teenage Awareness films, Biker movies, revenge movies, B movie monsters galore, hippies, mods and hallucinogenic trip movies. Exploitation has it all and often features ample of nudity, sex and titillation, so be warned - if you are offended by explicit images, sex or other controversial subject matters please stay away, as this night may not be for you! Warning: The producers advise audiences that may be offended by nudity, sex, violence, or good ol' fun, not to attend this screening. Strictly for Mature Adult Audiences Only. Under 18s will not be admitted to this theatre. To be continued at a theatre near you soon. NB: The XXX Club is a Hardcore Free Zone - if you expect it, you will be disappointed. FILM / VISITING PRODUCTION

LOVE ME TENDER by Liam Fox & Sam Lee
Tue 10th - Fri 13th October, 2006
Looking for a bit of light hearted fun? Well look no further than the next offering at Studio Salford, Love Me Tender. Presented by Wilde Fox Productions and written by Manchester based actor Liam Fox and actor / comedian Sam Lee. Originally conceived after Liam worked with Victoria Wood in BBC TV's Dinnerladies, this ensemble comedy follows the fortunes of Dwayne Marley as he prepares for the re-opening night of his late father's pub. However when the local comedy act Sticky Nicky fails to turn up Dwayne is left without an act to launch the event. Will he find a replacement or will the ghost of his dead Dad scare everybody off? Directed by Hollyoaks' Nicole Barber Lane (Myra McQueen) and with a cast that includes amongst others ex-Hollyoaks cast member Warren Brown (Andy Holt), Love Me Tender is hoped to be the first of many new plays launched by Wilde Fox Productions. Writer: Liam Fox, Sam Lee. Director: Nicole Barber-Lane. Performed by: Warren Brown, Liam Fox, Phil Marley, Jacqueline Dillon, Toby Haydoke, Faye McKeever, Chris Buckley, Robert Maxfield, Gina Lamb, Alan Keogh. PREMIERE / NEW WRITING / VISITING PRODUCTION

Embryo 25 & 26
Fri 15th & Sat 16th Sept, 2006
EMBRYO 25 & 26 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our five In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new! - Two nights, both completely different! IN-HOUSE / VISITING / NEW WRITING / PREMIERE / FILM / COMEDY / MUSIC / POETRY

CLOSER By Patrick Marber
Tue 19th - Sat 23rd September 2006
Presented by Trickster Theatre.
Trickster Theatre present Patrick Marber's searingly honest dissection of love and sex. Following the intertwining lives of two couples over the years, Closer celebrates the struggle to connect with another human being and asks what lengths we'll go to for the sake of that connection. Directed by Christopher Neil (Othello - Best Show, Studio Salford Awards 2005), and produced by Cellan Scott (Othello - Best Male Actor, Studio Salford Awards 2005), Closer continues Trickster Theatre's reputation for storytelling that depends on the connection between audience and actor. Performed by: Anarosa Butler, Bronwyn Ebdon, Cellan Scott, Phil Minns. VISITING PRODUCTION

STARCROSS'D By Carole Solazzo
Tue 26th - Thu 28th September, 2006
Presented by Physico Theatre in conjunction with HOPE Theatre Company.
SEX + SECRETS + SHAKESPEARE = 'STARCROSS'D'. Religious fanaticism. A paranoid state. Fear and suspicion. Shakespeare lived in dangerous times. What if he really spent some time here in the north west in 1581, working for a subversive religious group? What if that led him to meet Lady Dorothy, the daughter of a stubborn Catholic? And what if he introduced her to the love of her life, a Protestant? Could he have been inspired by their story to write Romeo & Juliet years later? And could Shakespeare also have met the love of his life here? Sexy, funny and moving, the play explores the consequences on a group of teenagers of religious fanaticism and their search for identity through religion, love and sex. It features Physico's exciting signature blend of drama, dance, movement and film, and is enhanced with a specially commissioned digital soundtrack. Written by Carole Solazzo (BBC TV & Radio) and directed by Adam Zane (Village Voices / Get Happy, The Lowry). Performed by: Madeliene Solazzo, Matthew Ganley. "The premise is interesting... and performed by a handsome and dedicated cast." - Three Weeks, Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2006 NEW WRITING / NORTH WEST PREMIERE / VISITING PRODUCTION. UNSUITABLE FOR CHILDREN.

Embryo 23 & 24
Fri 16th & Sat 17th June, 2006
EMBRYO 23 & 24 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our four In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new! Two nights, both completely different! IN-HOUSE / VISITING / NEW WRITING / TEST-BED / SHOWCASE / MUSIC / FILM / COMEDY / CABARET

LANDSCAPE and THE LOVER By Harold Pinter
Tue 6th - Sat 10th June, 2006
Presented by Moment Productions.
A double bill of Pinter's work in honour of the winner of the Noble Prize for literature 2005 and his 75th birthday. The Lover, written in 1963, is from what has been described as Pinter's phase of 'psychological realism', while Landscape, written four years later, derives from his 'lyrical phase'. These two plays, therefore, were not written as a double bill but they complement each other well. In both instances we see couples trying to find an escape for their feelings beyond the traditional and mundane exchanges that familiarity breeds. In The Lover, Richard and Sarah, married for ten years, conduct themselves with apparent respectability in the mornings, whilst living out a sequence of erotic rituals in the afternoon. "Beautifully written...the sexiest play I remember seeing..." - Sunday Times. Landscape is a beautiful, poetic drama about a couple in their fifties, Duff and Beth. Whereas Duff is very present, telling his wife about his daily routine, it would appear that she would rather stay focused on her memories, speaking lyrically and sensually of a time in the past. These plays are directed by Katie Read, new to Manchester from London where she assisted Harold Pinter on his last directing job, The Old Masters, by Simon Gray. Cast: The Lover : Mark Taylor-Batty & Sandra Patton. Landscape : Martin Reeve & Maria Gough. VISITING PRODUCTION

Tue 16th - Fri 19th May, 2006
SILENT JOYS AND BROKEN TOYS By Vista Theatre Company, as part of the Queer Up North International Festival. Supported by Arts Council England.
"Leader of the Pack" and "Past, Present and Future" are two of the hits from the sixties girl group sensation The Shangri-Las. Their music is a jolt to the memory banks and their songs were an inspiration to a whole generation. The swinging beats of the Shangri-Las, 25 heart-wrenching, echo-laden, drama-filled odes to bad boys, forbidden love, quivering anticipation, loss of virginity, teenage pregnancy, dead lovers and furtive meetings with leather-jacketed guys are the perfect back drop for this up-tempo, toe tapping production exploring growing up, coming out and life choices. So join the drag trio at Silent Joys Nightclub as they lead us through personal encounters, and some of the songs of the Shangri-Las. Featuring writing from last year's Best Comedy (Buxton and Slamchester) winner Cathy Crabb. NEW WRITING / PREMIERE / IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION |

Tue 9th - Sat 13th May, 2006
Presented by Mediamedea.
Pete and Simon are a couple. Tom, Pete's loud-mouthed work colleague, gets some tickets for the footy. The only problem is that Tom doesn't know that Pete's gay. Simon invites himself along... Will Simon be able to "straighten" his act up for the afternoon to protect Pete? Will Pete be able to deny his own lifestyle to perpetuate his big secret with Tom? Relationships are put to the test as Simon is forced to endure football chat, Yates wine lodge and the discovery of Pete's well-intentioned hypocrisy. A fish-out-of-water comedy about secrets, assumption and football. NEW WRITING / PREMIERE / IN-HOUSE PRODUCTION

Embryo 21 & 22
Fri 5th & Sat 6th May, 2006
EMBRYO 21 & 22 The start of something new... Studio Salford, our four In-House Companies, visiting companies & special guests present our eclectic cabaret of performance work in development. Expect to see stand-up poetry, singer / songwriters, comedy, musicians, 10 min excerpts of scripts currently being written, short films, live bands and much more - all new! Two nights, both completely different! IN-HOUSE / VISITING / NEW WRITING / TEST-BED / SHOWCASE / MUSIC / FILM / COMEDY / CABARET